Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Recursive Structure of Hofstadter Sequences

I'm slowly (but surely!) making my way through Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter. As I've mentioned before, so far it's been quite an awesome, thought-provoking read; exploring some pretty deep ideas from both mathematics and computer science.

One of those deep ideas is that of recursion. Upon introducing the idea with an amusing "story within a story within a story" dialogue, we are shown several peculiar sequences: starting with the G(n), H(n), F(n) and M(n) sequences. These are examples of Hofstadter sequences. The trick to these sequences is not only that they are recursively defined, but that they are, in fact, non-linearly recursive. G and H are both defined in terms of compositions of themselves. Even more strangely, F and M are defined in terms of nested compositions of each other!

The exercise that Hofstadter gives the reader is to determine the recursive structures that can be created by forming a graph of each of the sequences: where we label some nodes '1' through 'n', and let 'n' be the node directly above the node 'G(n)' in the graph. As we'll see, the graphs branch up and out like a tree, and we'll be able to notice some recursive patterns that define the infinite construction of the entire graph.

So let's get to it! To save having to calculate the values of the sequence by hand, we'll code up some recursive functions in Clojure that we can use to easily find the values for each of the Hofstadter sequences.