Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Recursive Structure of Hofstadter Sequences
I'm slowly (but surely!) making my way through Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter. As I've mentioned before, so far it's been quite an awesome, thought-provoking read; exploring some pretty deep ideas from both mathematics and computer science.
One of those deep ideas is that of recursion. Upon introducing the idea with an amusing "story within a story within a story" dialogue, we are shown several peculiar sequences: starting with the G(n), H(n), F(n) and M(n) sequences. These are examples of Hofstadter sequences. The trick to these sequences is not only that they are recursively defined, but that they are, in fact, non-linearly recursive. G and H are both defined in terms of compositions of themselves. Even more strangely, F and M are defined in terms of nested compositions of each other!
The exercise that Hofstadter gives the reader is to determine the recursive structures that can be created by forming a graph of each of the sequences: where we label some nodes '1' through 'n', and let 'n' be the node directly above the node 'G(n)' in the graph. As we'll see, the graphs branch up and out like a tree, and we'll be able to notice some recursive patterns that define the infinite construction of the entire graph.
So let's get to it! To save having to calculate the values of the sequence by hand, we'll code up some recursive functions in Clojure that we can use to easily find the values for each of the Hofstadter sequences.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Horner's Rule for Polynomial Computation
Suppose I had a polynomial anxn + an-1xn-1 + … + a1x + a0, and a point x* at which I wanted to evaluate that polynomial.
Now our immediate inclination is to just substitute the point straight into the polynomial to get an(x*)n + an-1(x*)n-1 + … + a1(x*) + a0 and then work it through in the obvious way: we raise x* to the nth power and multiply by an, then we raise x* to the (n-1)th power and multiply by an-1, and so on, adding them all together at the end.
That seems like a lot of work though. We could be more efficient by working it the other way around: that is, starting with x* and caching the intermediate powers of x* as we work our way up. That would definitely cut down on some of the multiplications. But is there actually an even better way to do this polynomial evaluation?
As it turns out, there is – we can use Horner's Rule!
Not only is Horner's Rule more efficient than either of the above approaches, it is actually an optimal algorithm for polynomial computation: that is, we can prove mathematically that any other rule for polynomial computation can do no better than Horner's Rule.
So let's investigate how this rule works, and write up some Java code to test it out!
[We're back with the SICP exercise blog posts! This one is inspired by Exercise 2.34.]
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Hofstadter's MIU System
A different sort of blog post today: I figured we'd take a quick break from SICP and have a look at a puzzle from another book I've been working my way through lately. Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter is a famous book that I've seen on dozens of must-read lists for both computer science and mathematics.
It's not hard to see why, either. Though the book is touted as ultimately being about the nature of "consciousness" and whether we can get computers/robots to emulate such a thing, from the small amount of it I've read so far I can see that it touches on many other mathematical concepts too: the idea of formal systems, isomorphism and its relation to meaning and especially recursion and self-reference.
Early on in the book, Hofstadter shows us a formal system – the MIU system. Given a string of letters in the MIU system, we can generate additional strings by applying particular rules. This forms the context for the MU puzzle: can we start with a string, say the string MI, and through successive application of the rules of the system, end up with the string MU?
I won't spoil the solution here, of course! But the entirety of the book's discussion on the MIU system itself – with its rules, its strings, and its metaphorical "genie" that can generate infinitely many MIU strings given enough time – well, it was pretty much daring for a programmatic implementation.
So that's the topic for today. With JRuby as our programming language, together with some very basic use of regular expressions, we'll devise a code implementation of this MIU system and use it to generate some strings!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
The N-Queens Puzzle and 0-1 Integer Linear Programming
We saw in the last post how we can tackle the N-Queens Puzzle recursively by considering each column in turn. This way, we can generate all of the possible solutions to the puzzle (eventually!)
However as we'll see today, we can also consider the puzzle in terms of an optimization, according to some constraints upon the rows, columns, and diagonals of the chessboard. By formulating the N-Queens puzzle as an instance of a 0-1 Integer Linear Program, we can pummel it with the full force of modern combinatorial optimization tools!
So that's the plan. First we'll develop a mathematical formulation for the N-Queens puzzle. Then we'll see how we can translate the variables and constraints of the problem into a matrix representation in Java code, which we can pass into some open-source linear programming tools: the SCPSolver together with the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK).
Thursday, February 5, 2015
The N-Queens Puzzle and Recursion
One of the cooler exercises from the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs is Exercise 2.42: finding solutions to the N-Queens Puzzle.
The N-Queens Puzzle is a sort of chess puzzle. Suppose we have an NxN chessboard, and N queen pieces. We want to find a way to position the pieces so that none of the queens can capture each other. In fact, we want to find all possible ways to do this.
Over the next couple of blog posts, we'll consider two techniques for getting a grasp on this puzzle:
- Today, we'll look at a recursive method that constructs the set of all feasible solutions by building them up a column at a time, which we'll implement using Clojure.
- In the next post, we'll see how we can formulate the N-Queens puzzle as a 0-1 Integer Linear Program (ILP), which we can solve using Java in conjunction with some open source operations research tools; namely the SCPSolver with the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK).
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Higher-Order Functions and Accumulation
The notion of a higher-order function – that is, a function that operates on other functions – is a fundamental idea in mathematics.
As an easy example, take the concept of differentiation from Calculus. Whereas a "normal" function like sin(x) operates in terms of numbers (ie. pass it a number, and it'll return you a number as a result), the act of taking a derivative is a little different. When we take the derivative of a function, we get back another function.
This is actually an incredible idea. Now not only can we talk about transformations (of numbers), but we can talk about transformations of transformations!
So in yet another of my blog posts about things I've investigated while working my way through the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, we're going to look at this idea of higher-order functions by considering the process of accumulation.
We'll write some procedures for calculating sums and products, and then show how we can abstract away the common process of successively combining new elements with a current total. We'll then go a step further and write a more general procedure for filtered-accumulation, where we only take those elements that satisfy a particular condition.
[The relevant SICP exercises for this one are 1.30, 1.31, 1.32, and 1.33.]
We're gonna be using good old Java today. In fact, this topic gives us the perfect opportunity to explore the new functional interfaces and lambda expressions of the latest Java 8 release!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Newton's Method
As a follow-up from the previous post dealing with fixed-point iteration, another particularly useful family of numerical techniques deals with the iterative approximation of zeros (or roots) of a given function – that is, those points x where the value of a function f is zero, or f(x)=0. One such technique is Newton's Method (or the Newton-Raphson Method, if you like.)
The idea behind Newton's Method is as follows. If we suppose that we can use Taylor's Theorem to get a polynomial approximation to a function f in the neighbourhood of points that we care about, then we can actually use our fixed-point iteration to converge upon an approximation for a root of f.
So we'll do just that: we'll derive an expression from Taylor's theorem that we can use for the fixed-point iteration, and then code it up. We can then use our code to find the roots of some polynomials, as well as to implement another square-root finding procedure. As for the JVM language we'll use? We haven't seen JRuby make an appearance yet on this blog, so it's about time for its debut!
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Finding Fixed-Points of Functions
Quite often in scientific computing we're interested in finding the fixed-points of a function or transformation: those points where the value of the function f at a point x is equal to x itself, ie. f(x) = x. You can see how these might be useful – if the function f models any kind of real-world phenomenon, then a fixed-point suggests a sort of equilibrium or steady-state.
In fact, fixed-point iteration can be used in many numerical methods. Newton's method for finding the zeros of a differentiable function (which we'll look at in a later post) can be written in terms of a fixed-point computation, and many methods for solving ordinary differential equations apply these same fixed-point ideas.
In this post we'll code up a Scala function to (hopefully!) converge upon the fixed-points of a given transformation, and look at some examples; including a method for finding square roots of a number. We'll also look at the general technique of average-damping that we can apply to ensure/quicken convergence in particular cases.
[Inspired by the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. (noticing a pattern yet?) The book is here, and the relevant Scheme solutions are for Exercises 1.35 and 1.36.]
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Recursive Sine Approximation
For a quick smaller post today, we'll look at an approximation for the sine of an angle. (As always, SICP is the inspiration, and the Scheme solution for the relevant Exercise 1.15 can be found here.)
We saw in the last post that we could approximate the tangent function using Lambert's continued fraction representation. We can find a similar idea of an approximation for the sine function by using the following trigonometric identity:
So the plan is to implement that idea with some Scala code. We'll quickly look at the efficiency of the implementation, and then use it to compute a few examples. Easy.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
K-term Continued Fractions
Another interesting set of examples in SICP are the exercises dealing with infinite continued fractions, and their k-term truncations. [That is, Exercises 1.37, 1.38, and 1.39.]
As given in the book, an infinite continued fraction looks like this:
Of course that expression doesn't ever stop, so we approximate it with a k-term continued fraction, where we cut it off after k terms. So it looks like this:
Since we have a finite representation now, we can easily write code to work with such structures! So we'll do just that, using Scala as our JVM language.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Testing for Prime Numbers
On first glance, prime numbers seem pretty trivial; and yet, most of their more interesting properties still elude us. These numbers have been bugging mathematicians for as long as we've cared about them. All sorts of questions are still completely open:
- Every now and then we find a pair of primes that are separated by a single even number – does that keep happening forever?
last one is literally a million-dollar question, by the way.)
From a computer science standpoint though, the fact that we know so little about
prime numbers is actually kind of useful. If I don't even know how
the primes are distributed, I can't easily factorise a massive
composite number into its prime constituents; not even if I used a
computer. However the reverse problem – taking the primes and
multiplying them together to get to the composite number – is much
easier. Such 'one-way functions' make for awesome cryptographic
algorithms, which are absolutely vital for digital security these
not going to worry too much about that end of things though, and
instead consider the problem of determining whether a given integer
is prime. (Inspired by the SICP
exercises as always: the relevant Scheme solutions are 1.22, 1.24,
1.27 and 1.28.)
be using good old Java for our programming language today as we
explore three different ways to determine the primality of a number:
- an exhaustive search of all the possible candidates,
- the Fermat test, which uses Fermat's Little Theorem in a probabilistic primality test,
- the Miller-Rabin test, a variant of the Fermat test that fixes one particular deficiency.
Monday, January 5, 2015
4 Ways to Generate the Fibonacci Numbers
In keeping with our recent theme of
generating famous number structures, we'll consider the Fibonacci sequence today. This post was also inspired by some of the examples
and exercises in the Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs (namely Exercise 1.13 and Exercise 1.19 for those that came for the
Scheme solutions.)
The story goes that the Fibonacci
numbers were so named by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci
in the 1200's, when he discovered the sequence while forming a
mathematical model for rabbit populations. However evidence suggests
that the sequence was known to others before then (it seems to appear
in earlier Indian mathematics, for instance.)
The Fibonacci numbers also have an
interesting relationship with the Golden Ratio, namely that as we
take larger and larger numbers in the sequence, the ratio between one
number and the next approaches the Golden Ratio.
Or mathematically:
And these numbers pop up in all sorts
of places. Remember Pascal's triangle? Turns out if you draw some
“shallow diagonal” lines across the triangle and sum up the
numbers on each line, you get the Fibonacci sequence too!
(There's a nice picture of this here.)
Though that history is all well and
good, computation is always much more interesting! We'll look at four
different ways to generate the Fibonacci numbers, with Clojure taking
centre stage as our JVM language today, including some guest appearances from Python (or Jython if you like, so as to keep with the JVM theme.)
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Computing Pascal's Triangle
One of the coolest things about the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs has to be the exercises, in my view. Some of them are surprisingly deep explorations of mathematical or computational ideas, and even the ones that aren't still end up being quite interesting.
As the first real post for this blog, I
figured I'd start off with one of the exercises in that latter
category: not as deep, but still pretty cool. This exercise involves
computing the numbers of Pascal's Triangle.
[For those that are interested, in the
book we're dealing with Exercise 1.12 here. My worked solution in
Scheme is available in my GitHub repository. However, in this post
I'll be going wild with this exercise and looking at the problem for
all sorts of weird angles (and all of the code will be in the JVM
languages to keep with the blog's theme.) So the Scheme solutions are
still worth a look if you've read this post, and vice versa.]
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Blog Overview and About Me
Welcome to The
Java Mathematician!
started this blog as a place where I could waffle on about
whatever little thing has caught my fancy lately. Those things will
usually be mathematics or programming-related, so I guess the blog
name is fitting.
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