Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blog Overview and About Me

Welcome to The Java Mathematician!
I started this blog as a place where I could waffle on about whatever little thing has caught my fancy lately. Those things will usually be mathematics or programming-related, so I guess the blog name is fitting.

A little about me before we start:
I'm a mathematician. Well, not technically – one more year of undergrad before I can really call myself that. The point is that I like mathematics.

Now back when I started my degree I had designed it so that I would graduate with a major in Pure Mathematics. Of course, over the years I've found that I have a much more pragmatic nature than I was banking on. The theory is fine – beautiful even – but I seem to have the most fun whenever I'm dealing with things that have a more immediate utility.

In particular, the fields that interest me these days are linear algebra, operations research, and discrete mathematics; as well as fields that have a more obvious computational flavour, like algorithm analysis and numerical/scientific computing. All of these areas of mathematics also allow me to flex my programmer's muscle and write code to solve problems, which is the best part. 

So why the “Java” mathematician? Well obviously I love programming. However I've really come to like the Java Virtual Machine lately, and am currently obsessed with learning as much as I can about it and the languages that have been written for it.

In fact, Java was the first programming language I ever learned. I've been programming in Java in a non-professional (academic?) capacity for the last 5 years. I've been taught to program in a whole heap of other languages since, like C++, C, Matlab (that counts, right?), R, Visual Basic .NET (yes, really) to name a few. But what struck me about Java was the ease to which I could program up some software and have it just work on any other computer without too much mucking around.

It didn't hurt that it was an object-oriented paradigm language either. For a while there I was truly an OOP hipster. It happened the same way it usually does; I had never understood the concepts of programming to an interface and polymorphism when I was first taught them (with those silly, contrived examples in the lectures) until I had to write my first few non-trivial programs and saw how beautifully it worked in practice.

Then I moved on to read that infamous Design Patterns book and, of course, just went completely overboard with it. It's truly cringe-worthy seeing some of the programs I wrote during that bender: Singletons everywhere, a Mediator for no other reason than an excuse to use one, and Factories just for the sake of having Factories.
I seem to have gotten most of it out of my system though, and have since tried to broaden my programming horizons with the functional paradigm instead. 

I got my first taste of functional programming when I was learning Ruby back at the start of last year. On top of learning about the Ruby Way*, I was fascinated by the notions of blocks and lambdas, and the idea of passing functions between other functions. So I had made my first steps towards learning about first-class functions, higher-order functions, lazy evaluation, and all that good stuff.

(* As a side note, I'm quite fond of the Rubyist community and actually agree with a lot of their programming philosophy, which I'm told is an odd thing to hear a Java programmer say. In particular their preference toward rigorous testing methodology and small (testable!) functions has definitely instilled some good habits in me.)

After that I had a brief, unremarkable ride with Haskell. I'm not sure why I didn't seem to click with Haskell as much as I thought I would, particularly since I've known a few people that absolutely rave about it. I think I got maybe 10 pages into the Haskell Road?

It wasn't all for naught however. What I didn't find in Haskell I sure seemed to find in Scala.

Scala programming is truly a delight. While I have yet to get anywhere close to mastering the language, it already feels immensely powerful. It seems just as easy to write large-ish object systems as it does to write small scripts and fun, too! It's definitely my favourite programming language at the moment. In fact, my first open source code project was written in Scala (available here).

Perhaps the best part of learning about Scala for me was that it worked well with where I was at in my programming experience. One of the harder things about learning Haskell was that I was tossed straight into the deep end with functional notions like immutability and recursion for iterative processes. Given my OOP/procedural background, not having variables or looping constructs as I'd known them was quite jarring. 

Though Scala shares many of the same functional ideals, it never enforced them in the same way. As an example, Scala provides both Mutable and Immutable versions of many of its data structures, and instead gently encourages the use of the latter. This meant that I could explore functional techniques at my own pace, and still have all the old tools that I was familiar with at hand.

Then when I was ready to dive right in to using functional ideas exclusively, Clojure came along.

My next absolute favourite language to code in would have to be Clojure. This language, on top of its functional nature and awesome approaches to state and concurrency, also introduced me to the timeless perfection that is Lisp. I've since programmed a little in both Steel Bank Common Lisp and Scheme. I still prefer Clojure though – having the Java libraries right there is always a massive plus. I've currently got an open source project in Clojure (here) that uses the Swing GUI framework, for instance. Doing the same sort of thing in either SBCL or Scheme would definitely not have been as straight-forward.

As for other JVM languages: I have a passing familiarity with JRuby, and I've done some basic programming in Python so using Jython likely wouldn't be too much trouble. Admittedly I haven't looked into Groovy yet either, so that's the New Year's Resolution – getting some decent experience with all three of these languages.

Finally, though it's not a JVM language I'll mention that I do enjoy the Scheme programming language too. I've been working my way through that good old Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs book (the text is available online here, and my worked solutions go here as I finish them.) 

I have to say that of all the programming languages I've written code in, Scheme appeals to my mathematical side the most. I plan on working through all the exercises in SICP this year, and the Little/Seasoned Schemer books are on my list too. 

A lot of the exercises in SICP were quite interesting, so expect to see some of them explored here. I will probably rewrite the exercise solutions in Clojure (or Scala, or Ruby/Python, or Java, etc.) Partly because the Scheme solutions are already done, but mainly because this blog isn't called “The Scheming Mathematician” (which just sounds sketchy.)

As one last note, I'm a Linux user (and have to tell absolutely everyone about it, right?) I've been using various flavours of Linux for 5 years – in fact I started using it right before I learned how to program.

I began with Ubuntu 9.10, and then quickly fell into my compulsive distro-hopping routine where I bounce between various versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Arch Linux, Mageia, and Debian. Admittedly I'm rarely on a single distribution for more than a few months. I always learn a lot though.

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